DG Help

Help takes the form of short video tutorials, each of which is dedicated to a particular subject.

1. Introduction

1.1 Logging into the system– Logging into the system for the first time, completing one’s profile

1.2 Basic principles of working with the application– Philosophy of work with the application, layout of the basic commands

2. Working with nodes

2.1 Browsing through web nodes– The basics of work with nodes, changing the node sequence

2.2 Node manipulation– Creating new nodes, deleting nodes, copying and transferring nodes

2.3 Working with files– Creating, deleting, and basic principles of work with files associated with a node

2.4 Searching for nodes– Finding a node in a node tree

2.5 Information bookmark– Metainformation of a document

3. Working with the editor

3.1 Simple editing of page content – Entering text into a document

3.2 Basic text editing– Changing basic properties of a text

3.3 Components floating in a text- Principles of functioning of components floating in a text

3.4 Working with sections– Basics of creating and manipulation with sections, their numbering sequencing, etc.

3.5 Different types of references– Creating of different types of references, explanation of differences between the types

3.6 Inserting images – Inserting images into documents and setting various ways in which they can be displayed

3.7 Inserting a file for downloading– Inserting a link to a document which can be downloaded

3.8 Inserting and editing a list– Inserting and editing lists

3.9 Inserting and editing tables– Inserting and editing tables

3.10 Inserting image galleries– Creating and inserting image galleries

3.11 Inserting a YouTube video- Inserting YouTube videos

3.12 Inserting a map– Inserting interactive maps depicting a particular location

4. Other functions

4.1 Editing the layout– Editing the content of secondary windows when pages are displayed.

4.2 Principles of document content creation– Some recommendations and pieces of advice regarding the creation of content for documents which will be published on the web

4.2 Editing users– Ways in which administrators can edit the users.

Last change: March 11, 2015 10:40 
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Computer Science Centre

Charles University

Ovocný trh 560/5

116 36 Prague 1

Czech Republic

Phone: +420 224 491 647


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