EGJE salary system

The main function of the salary system Elanor Global Java Edition (EGJE) of the Elanor Company, Ltd. is to calculate salaries. An interface links it to the WhoIs look-up tool from which it gathers information about employees of the Charles University (as well as persons working based on some contract or agreement about performing work) and their labour relations.


The system can be accessed only by authorised employees of personnel departments and payroll offices of faculties and other parts of the Charles University.

EGJE can be accessed only if the application is installed on the user’s computer. The system is installed by faculty administrators of computer technologies.

Contact and support

Employees of personnel departments and payroll offices enter their support requests via ‘Redmine’, queue ‘EGJE/EMAN’.

Last change: March 10, 2015 11:58 
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