• Accounts and passwords

Accounts and passwords


For all Charles University employees, students, and external users (Charles University identity card holders), an account is automatically created in the Central Authentication Services of the Charles University (CAS). This account enables access to central university applications (especially Charles University information system) and can be also linked to computer networks at faculties in such a way that users have just one username and passwords for all networks and applications of the Charles University.

For internal university applications, we offer a directory service which, using the LDAP protocol, enable the authentication of users against CAS and access to select information about registered users.

To enable synchronisation of user accounts (automatic creation of accounts, synchronisation of passwords with CAS, etc.), we offer the possibility of sending notification of data about users in XML format.

This service enables an SSO (Single Sign-On) for web applications and federative authentication (login to external services using the account at one’s home institution).

Students and employees with an account in the CAS of the Charles University can, free of charge, acquire personal certificates from the TCS certification authority which is accepted by most browsers without requiring any further configuration.

Last change: March 9, 2015 10:14 
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