This service enables a so-called SSO (Single Sign-On) for web applications and federative authentication (login to external services using the account of one’s home institution).
Shibboleth at the Charles University
At the Charles University, Shibboleth is used for the authentication of users. Thanks to Shibboleth, Charles University teachers and students can, with one single account, use applications run both by the Charles University and by external providers. Shibboleth also enables students and teachers from other universities to work with Charles University’s applications if they log in via their home university.
The Charles University is member of , a Czech academic federation of identities administered by CESNET.
Shibboleth is a free open-source middleware for federative web single sign-on based on open standards, especially the SAML. Shibboleth is developed and supported by the Internet2 consortium.
Service providers
Service providers (SP) are applications which enable users use resources after authentication by the means of identity federation.
At the Charles University, service providers are implemented in the following systems: EZproxy, Portál elektronických zdrojů, MetaLib, Aleph, DigiTool, Document Globe, DSpace, Moodle, and Mefanet. All of the abovementioned service providers are part of the federation.
The SFX system is configured for Shibboleth environment. It uses WAYFless links.
Within the, the Charles University uses authentication via Shibboleth for all accessible providers of EIZ: EBSCO, Thomson Reuters, Ovid, Cambridge Journals, ...
Notification of existing limitations
Identity provider
Internet Explorer 6 browser may experience problems with the identity provider.
In order to log out of the Shibboleth context, one closes the browser window. Actual logout is possible on the level of applications – SP.
Timeout for expiry of a Shibboleth session is at the Charles University set at the standard 60 minutes.