WiFi at the Charles University

In most university buildings, eduroam WiFi is available and can be used by students and employees of the Charles University and other affiliated organisations. Most faculties of the Charles University, however, administer their WiFi networks themselves, while some WiFi networks are administered by the Computer Science Centre of the Charles University.

WiFi networks administered by the Computer Science Centre of the Charles University

WiFi networks which are available in the buildings and facilities of the Rectorate of the Charles University and some other Charles University buildings are administered by the Computer Science Centre of the Charles University:

  • uk-visitorshttps://visitors.cuni.cz – a network for the use of visitors of events organised at the Charles University (conferences, seminars, etc.)

  • uk-eventshttps://events.cuni.cz – a special network accessible only in the buildings of the Rectorate of the Charles University for select types of events

Questions related to the functioning of particular WiFi networks in the buildings of the Rectorate of the Charles University should be directed to . If your questions relate to the functioning of WiFi networks at faculties, contact the IT department of the relevant faculty.

Last change: January 31, 2023 16:15 
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Computer Science Centre

Charles University

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