WhoIs look-up tool

WhoIs look-up tool functions as a central registry of persons who are in some way related to the Charles University (employees, students, participants of programmes of lifelong education, members of university and faculty boards bodies, etc.), as a source of information about the organisational structure of the Charles University, and of personal (especially professional and career-related) data. WhoIs has three main parts:

  • section for concluding legal agreements regarding work (work contracts, agreements to perform work, work agreements);

  • section including a ‘List of Contacts’ for entering contact data for university employees and their search and presentation using the web of the Charles University and its faculties;

  • section for registering PRVOUK programmes, their board members, and participants.

In addition to these basic parts, WhoIs also contains other sections which are used by some faculties, such as:

  • Electronic payslips,

  • Meal vouchers – calculation of employees’ right to diets and registration of meal vouchers issued.

WhoIs is a source of data about persons and labour relations for a number of other systems and applications (it has, for example, a bidirectional interface with the Studium Information System) and especially for the EGJE salary system.

Contact and Support

Employees of personnel departments of faculties and their parts and faculty administrators of WhoIs enter their support requests via ‘Redmine’, queue ‘WhoIs Fakulty’.

Other users can contact the Computer Science Centre using the Helpdesk (Poradna) application.

Last change: May 26, 2022 11:05 
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Charles University

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