Stipends to support accommodation and Social Stipends

These two applications help students apply for a stipend to support accommodation or a social stipend.

Principles for granting and disbursing these stipends are set especially in Articles 7a, 7b, and 8 of the Stipend Directive of the Charles University.

Detailed conditions for receiving a social stipend, the amount disbursed, the manner of payment, the method of processing an application, verification of all the relevant supporting documents and the like, are for academic year 2014/2015 specified in Rector’s Directive No. 29/2014. Stipends can awarded to students whose study is not suspended and whose actual duration of study did not exceed the standard duration of their study programme.

The particular conditions for receiving a stipend to support accommodation, the amount disbursed, the manner of payment, the method of processing an application, verification of all the relevant supporting documents and the like are for academic year 2014/2015 specified in Rector’s Directive No. 28/2014.

Various kinds of stipends and other detailed information are listed on pages dedicated to stipends.


In order to enter these applications, users need to know their personal number and their CAS password. Information about ways of changing or finding out about one’s password is available at

Entering the application

Contact and support

Support can be contacted via the Helpdesk (Poradna) application after selecting section ‘Stipends’. Questions are answered primarily by employees of the Department for Study and Student Affairs. Technical questions should be addressed to the Computer Science Centre.

Last change: March 10, 2015 12:01 
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