• About Us

About Us

Computer Science Centre (CSC)


Ovocný trh 560/5, Praha 1, 116 36


+420 224 491 647





Ing. Marek Kalika, Ph.D.


Zora Jašková, DiS.

foto: isifa.com

Main Activities and Focus of the Computer Science Centre of the Charles University

Computer Science Centre of the Charles University is an institute dedicated to education, science, research, and development in the area of computational technology and informatics. It develops plans for Charles University’s development in computer technology, information systems, communications, distance education, and informatics in general. It coordinates improvements in coordination, communication, and computation systems of the Charles University and incorporates all these elements into larger networks.

Charles University is a large and diverse organism. From the viewpoint of information technologies, it presents specific challenges in each individual area of information technology (IT) and in all areas as a whole. IT services at the Charles University are provided by the IT Department, which takes care both of care and development of a robust core infrastructure and of an extensive information system (IS), which among other things centralises a number of important agendas. Charles University information system is used by over 70,000 registered users and numbers of unregistered entries reaches hundreds of thousands.

Reliable and safe operation of all these applications and a functional basic infrastructure is essential to the proper functioning of the Charles University. Providing it is one of the key tasks of the Computer Science Centre of the Charles University.

We are founding members of PASNET (Prague Academic and Scientific Network), which provides high-speed connection between Prague universities, and important members of the CESNET Association (Czech Education and Scientific Network) for research and development of information and communication technologies as well as the creation and development of e-infrastructure.

Particular activities are provided by various departments of the IT Department depending on the type of service required. (references)

Last change: January 16, 2023 16:03 
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Computer Science Centre

Charles University

Ovocný trh 560/5

116 36 Prague 1

Czech Republic

Phone: +420 224 491 647


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