• Network services
  • Network access for employees of the Rectorate of the Charles University

Network access for employees of the Rectorate of the Charles University

All employees of the Rectorate of the Charles University, Computer Science Centre of the Charles University and the Administration of Dormitories and Refectories of the Charles University are entitled to a user account in the UVTUK domain, thus gaining access to the following services:

  • login to computers connected to the UVTUK domain

  • mail box of 1GB with web interface – https://outlook.office.com

  • space on network drive (H:) of 1GB, travel profile of 30MB

  • possibility of logging into VPNfor remote access

  • possibility of logging into networks of the eduroam project

Accounts for employees are created at request of the relevant departments’ heads, by mail sent to

When requesting the creation of an account in the UVTUK domain, prospective users ought to meet the following conditions:

  • Have a Charles University identity pass – see http://www.cuni.cz/prukazy

  • Have a verified password for CAS/LDAP UK – see https://ldap.cuni.cz/doc/faq

  • Persons on whose behalf request is made should be employees of the Rectorate of the Charles University, Computer Science Centre of the Charles University, or the Administration of Building and Facilities of the Charles University.

Work stations or notebooks for new employees are purchased based on request by heads of sections of the Rectorate of the Charles University or heads of Rectorate institutions through the Computer Science Centre, which also takes care of their installation and prepares them for access into the domain. Similarly, one can request the purchase and pre-installation of particular software. Employees are also entitled to user support for hardware or software problems which may occur in their work notebooks or stations.

Last change: March 29, 2023 10:24 
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Charles University

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