Remote access to the Rectorate of the Charles University

To gain remote access from a computer connected outside the local network of the Rectorate of the Charles University (e.g., from eduroam or home network), i.e., to connect to Rectorate net services (such as access to network drives, printing options, access to DOLPHIN terminal server) from such network, one first needs to establish a VPN link. VPN connection can be established in several ways using instructions attached.

Preferred manner of establishing a VPN connection is via IPSec, which enables connection also from networks with port address translation. To create a link, clients first need to install specialised software (instructions offer the use of client’s Cisco VPN or client’s Shrew Soft VPN).

In computers which use Windows2000 or WindowsXP operation system, one can also establish remote access using the PPTP protocol (connection is created according to instructions here). We would like to draw your attention to the fact that by using these outdated operation systems (without regular updates of operation system’s security weaknesses) carries certain security risks.

A similar detailed description is given for connecting to the terminal server.

Last change: March 10, 2015 10:09 
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