Study Information system (SIS)

The SIS is a system which provides comprehensive support of study agenda for students, teachers, applicants for study at the Charles University, and participants in programmes of lifelong learning.

The Study Information System is every student’s companion from the first to the last day of their studies at the Charles University. It helps students register for courses and examinations and it enables them to choose and deliver their final theses.

The SIS is used by over 70,000 registered users (students, teachers, and participants of programmes of lifelong education). Some parts of the system are accessible even without signing in (e.g., an overview of current study programmes and fields, overview of subjects taught, and above all application to study). Access without authentication is also used by several dozen thousand users.

Accessing SIS: Logging in

Users of the web part of SIS (students, teachers, participants of programmes of lifelong learning, the general public) log into the system at the following web address:

User name and password for entering the SIS:

  • User name – as a user name, one can use the number assigned by the Charles University identity card or a login name from the CAS (Central Authentication Service of the Charles University). An application is available which finds a login based on a person’s number.

  • As a password, users use their password for the CAS system.

Accessing SIS – without logging in

One can view information related to a study at the Charles University and its faculties anonymously.

Contact and support

For support, students and teachers are kindly requested to contact their faculty administrator of the Study Information System (SIS):


Faculty administrator

Catholic Theological Faculty

Ing. Tereza Fatková

Protestant Theological Faculty

Mgr. Klára Maturová

Hussite Theological Faculty

Ing. Marie Marková

Faculty of Law

Ing. Stanislav Potěšil, Michal Palásek

First Faculty of Medicine

Ing. Hana Mezuliáníková, Roman Patočka

Second Faculty of Medicine

Bc. Helena Procházková

Third Faculty of Medicine

Mgr. Marek Ploc

Faculty of Medicine in Plzeň

Ing. Lenka Křikavová

Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové

Bc. Jan Freiberg, Bc. Jiří Černohorský

Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové

RNDr. Václav Koula, Mgr. Hana Kučerová, Ing. Miroslav Rydval

Faculty of Philosophy

Mgr. Michal Cáp, Bc. Jakub Vozáb

Faculty of Science

RNDr. Jana Rubešová, Ph.D., Michal Švojgr, Kamila Řehořová

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

Mgr. Petr Jedelský, RNDr. Pavel Zakouřil, Ph.D.

Faculty of Education

Mgr. Petr Svoboda, Jaroslav Kukla

Faculty of Social Sciences

Ing. Pavel Kot, Bc. Vojtěch Brázda

Faculty of Physical Education and Sport

Mgr. Eva Peslová

Faculty of Humanities

Bc. Eva Horáčková, Ing. Jan Vaněk

Employees of student affairs departments can usually access the SUP helpdesk system of the IS Studium supplier. One can also contact support of the Computer Science Centre using our Helpdesk application.

More information

Further information regarding the operation and development of the Study Information System (SIS) including manuals describing work with SIS can be found on Charles University website.

Last change: October 7, 2024 17:03 
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