Thesis and dissertation repository

The repository of theses and dissertations provides an overview of final theses defended at the Charles University including full text of such works and the relevant opponents’ statements.

The repository serves as a database of final theses of Charles University students in the sense of § 47b Act No. 111/1998 Coll. On Higher Education Institutions as amended for making the final theses of Charles University students accessible to the public in accordance with Article 18a Charles University Code for Study and Examinations, Article 6a of Rules for the Rigorosum Programme of the Charles University, and Rector’s Directive No. 6/2010 as amended by Rector’s Directive No. 14/2014.

Access to the repository is anonymous, that is, no username or password is required. The repository enables searching for theses and accessing their data including full text, supplements, and texts of reviews.

Repository is systematically supplemented by final theses which had been defended since September 29, 2010. Since 2010, works which had been defended between January 1, 2006 and September 28, 2010 are also gradually being added to the repository.

Further information about the progress of registration and publication of electronic version of final theses at the Charles University can be found in a methodical guide. At individual faculties, this process is also further regulated by deans’ directives, whereby an example of dean’s regulations is available here.

The repository is linked to the Study Information System (SIS), from which it gathers information about the theses and the actual files in which theses are saved. It is also linked to the Aleph library system into which it delivers metainformation about theses for the purpose of their categorisation.


Access to the repository is anonymous, that is, users do not need to enter their username or password.

Thesis and dissertation repository – Entering the application

Contact and support

Support team for the Thesis and dissertation repository at the Computer Science Centre can be contacted via the Helpdesk application.

Last change: March 10, 2015 11:48 
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