
Welcome to the web pages of the eduroam project. Eduroam is an international project whose aim is to support mobility and roaming in national research and education networks (NREN). In the Czech Republic, eduroam runs under the auspices of the CESNET,

In the following, you will find information about network access in some buildings of the Charles University in Prague which participate in the eduroam project. These networks include both wireless access points (WiFi) and classical ethernet outlets. For further specification of locations and types of connection, see pages describing coverage.

We recommend you carefully read the following information since it is essential for using roaming within the eduroam project. Students and employees of the Charles University are also required to set up an eduroam password - (see section on access information).

For more information, see

Questions and comments:

Eduroam name and logo are protected by TERENA company registered trademark.

Last change: February 29, 2024 16:40 
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Computer Science Centre

Charles University

Ovocný trh 560/5

116 36 Prague 1

Czech Republic

Phone: +420 224 491 647


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