Functions and advantages of the Document Globe editing system
Simple and intuitive user interface. A new website editor can usually be trained in about half an hour. Experience shows that after a short introduction, even people with almost no computer literacy can work with this system. That is why websites of are updated by dozens of users from different departments, often even by users who create the new content.
Broad user base at the Charles University. This system is currently active on over 160 different websites, which represents about 40,000 documents. Over 500 editors work with the system.
This system has low demands on the hardware. All of the current 160 websites with high daily traffic are currently run on one single server.
The system has low demands on administration. At the moment, all of the 500 users, related administration, user administration, creation of new webs including their design, system development, backups, etc. are supported by just a small team of people.
At the moment, the system is used not only by the university web but also by another 5 faculties including websites of their departments and various institutes and new websites are added almost weekly.
The system is highly variable regarding the final design of the web portals.
Internally, the system saves documents in the XML form using a very simple database structure. That makes system data easily accessible and easy to process, which is a significant advantage in various exports, imports, transitions to other systems, and the like. Many other editing systems unfortunately do not have this quality.
System editors have to follow a certain document structure and their ability to influence the details of the outlook are limited. Thanks to this feature, the final website is visually unified though it is a collaborative effort of dozens of users.
The system supports the following briefly listed functions:
WYSIWYG document editing
Advanced work with document tree
Intelligent work with images
A broad range of components (such as videos, images, etc.)
Automatic publication in pdf and txt
Insertion of dynamic data from external sources, link to the information system
Instruments for web analysis
Advanced user work logging
Easy installation of the client application and update downloads (JWS technology)