uk-events ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Network uk-events is intended for participants of events (conferences, seminars) organised premises of Rectorate of the Charles University (Ovocný trh 3/5 + Celetná 20, Prague 1) This WiFi’s SSID (network name) is uk-events. Its coverage corresponds to the coverage of network within the premises of the Rectorate of the Charles University. Using DHCP, users are assigned IPv4 addresses within the range The entir uses NAPT/PAT translated to a public IPv4 address Operation of the network i following services: Port Service 22/tcp Secure Shell 80/tcp HTTP 110/tcp POP3 123/udp NTP 143/tcp IMAP4 389/tcp LDAP 443/tcp HTTPS 465/tcp SMTPS 587/tcp Apple mail 636/tcp LDAPS 993/tcp IMAPS 995/tcp POP3S 1194-1195/tcp OpenVPN 1194-1195/udp OpenVPN 1723/tcp PPTP 3389/tcp RDP 3478-3497/udp Apple Facetime 5223/tcp Apple mail 16384-16386/udp Apple Facetime 16393-16402/udp Apple Facetime 30000/tcp Apple IM+ Plus protocols ICMP, GRE, ESP, and AH for VPN. To send mail, one can use SMTP server. After signing into a network, users trying to access some existing webpage are redirected page. There they have to log in using password for the relevant event which they receive f organiser. Questions and comments: info(zavinac) [ MAIL "info(zavinac)"]